Linea Airdrop Guide- The Black Sheep — Part 2

Linea Airdrop Guide

Hunters I bring you Part 2 of the Linea airdrop hunt saga.

When it comes to Scaling Ethereum, Linea stands tall among the layer 2s trying to scale Ethereum. They might be expensive, but with a total funding of $727 million and access to a large number of web3 customers through MetaMask, Their position is somewhat justified.👀.

I understand, I understand, hold off on the roasting for a bit! We’re all aware that Linea is hunting the huntoors by making us participate in Voyages that end up generating millions of dollars in gas fees for their parent company, Consensys. However, as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Let me explain why I’m suggesting this below.

I’ve always believed in giving you updates that I’ve tried and found worthwhile. Linea is worth every bit of attention in this guide. Let’s delve into the reasons:

With over $727 million in funding, 380k unique wallets, 50k daily active users, and an average of 80k daily transactions, Linea stands out as one of the most funded yet underfarmed layer 2s.

This Layer 2 platform is the most funded but also the most underused for a reason: the gas fees on Linea are ridiculously expensive. Just a heads up, the upcoming guide might set you back up to $20 in gas fees, but in the grand scheme of potential airdrop rewards, that amount is insignificant.

This guide aims to help you reach the top 10% with just 10 transactions executed daily for a week. But before we proceed, check out the first part of my Linea Airdrop Guide series HERE.

Our strategy revolves around achieving at least $10k in bridged volume, $10k in transaction volume, and maximizing active days (the continuous days your wallet is active on the chain). Aim for at least 30 active days; hence, consider spacing out the following transactions over days rather than completing them all in one go.

In my earlier Linea guide, we used the Native bridge, but in this one, we’ll use a third-party bridge. Firstly, fund your wallet from a Centralized Exchange (CEX) such as Binance OR Kucoin .

Here’s the step-by-step process to Qualify for Linea Airdrop:

  1. Head to Binance and buy ETH if you haven’t already. Send it to your wallet via the Base network, which is currently the cheapest Layer 2 network.
  2. Go to Metamask Portfolio and bridge your ETH from Base to Linea. (Note: Perform this transaction using Metamask mobile, as the Metamask bridge might not work on PC.)

3. Once your ETH arrives on Linea, swap $6 ETH to USDC on Metamask Portfolio before the next 10 hours to qualify for Linea voyage wave 1 XPs on intract.

4. Go to EchoDex and swap the remaining ETH for USDC. (This also makes your wallet eligible for the Echodex airdrop.)

5. Swap back USDC to ETH on Pancakeswap.

6. Head to RhinoFi and bridge your ETH back to Base.

Linea Voyage is a 6-week campaign where users engage with various DeFi projects on Linea. Completing tasks earns you XPs, which can act as multipliers for the Linea airdrop.

Here’s how to claim your Linea Voyage XP on Intract:

1. Visit Intract and register with your wallet. You have 10 hours from the time of this guide to claim your Linea voyage Wave 1 XP.

2. Sign in at the top right of the intract website and sign the message on your wallet.

3. Locate “WAVE” and click on each box. A pop-up will appear to add your wallet; confirm it.

4. Click on the tasks and keep clicking “Next” until completed. Click on the core task and select “Bridge on Metamask.” This is to activate the “Verify” button. Once activated, click on it, and it will verify itself in 25 minutes if you’ve completed the tasks above.

5. Complete Wave 0 Core tasks by following an account on Twitter and joining the Linea Discord server.

Don’t feel pressured to complete all the tasks in one day. Spread them out, but be sure to claim Wave 1 XP within the next 10 hours as instructed above.

I’ll update you about the remaining Linea Voyage waves on my Whatsapp channel and Twitter page once they commence. Follow me on those platforms for timely updates.

Good luck!

I’m Jadeofwallstreet, your trusted crypto profit guide. Get ready to ride the crypto waves in style with me by your side!

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