How To fork And Clone The Hyperlane Registry Repository From GitHub

How To fork And Clone The Hyperlane Registry Repository From GitHub

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to fork and clone the registry repository from GitHub:

Step 1: Fork the Repository

  1. Go to the Repository:

  2. Fork the Repository:

    • In the top-right corner of the repository page, you'll see a "Fork" button. Click on it. This creates a personal copy of the repository under your GitHub account.

Fork Button

Step 2: Clone the Repository to Your Local Machine

  1. Go to Your Forked Repository:

    • After forking the repository, navigate to your forked version (it should be located under your GitHub username, e.g.,
  2. Get the Clone URL:

    • On your forked repository page, click the "Code" button (usually green) and copy the URL (you can choose between HTTPS, SSH, or GitHub CLI). The URL will look something like this:
  3. Open Terminal or Git Bash:

    • On your local computer, open a terminal window (Command Prompt, Git Bash, or any command-line interface that supports Git).
  4. Run the Clone Command:

    • In the terminal, navigate to the folder where you want to store the cloned repository. Then, use the following command to clone the repository:

        bashCopy codegit clone
    • This will download all the repository files to your local machine.

Step 3: Navigate to the Cloned Repository

  1. Change Directory:

    • After cloning, you’ll need to navigate to the directory where the repository was cloned:

        bashCopy codecd hyperlane-registry

Now, you have successfully forked and cloned the repository to your local machine!

Step 4: Make Changes and Push

  1. Make Your Changes:

    • You can now modify files, add content, or make changes as needed for your contribution.
  2. Add and Commit Changes:

    • Once you’ve made your changes, use the following commands to add and commit them:

        bashCopy codegit add .
        git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message"
  3. Push to Your Forked Repository:

    • Push your changes to your forked GitHub repository:

        bashCopy codegit push origin main

Step 5: Create a Pull Request (PR)

  1. Go to Your Forked Repository on GitHub:

    • Visit your forked repository on GitHub.
  2. Open a Pull Request:

    • GitHub will usually display an option to "Compare & pull request" after you push your changes. Click that button to create a pull request (PR) to the original repository.
  3. Submit the Pull Request:

    • Add a title and description to your pull request, then submit it. The maintainers of the original repository will review and, if everything is good, merge your changes.

That’s it! You’ve now forked, cloned, and contributed to a GitHub repository.

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